004 Seneca: On the Terrors of Death
"KEEP ON AS you have begun, and make all possible haste, so that you may have longer enjoyment of an improved mind, one that is at peace with itself." What is the better way to live? To live to be happy, or live to be at peace? To live to be happy means persuing with ambition to acquire a fleeting moment that will pass in time. It's a reinforcing spiral. Happiness can never be achieved. Peacefulness is being content with what is there. It's point in time where there is no need for anything. "No man can have a peaceful life who thinks too much about lengthening it, or believes that living through many consulships is a great blessing. Rehearse this thought every day, that you may be able to depart from life contentedly; for many men clutch and cling to life, even as those who are carried down a rushing stream clutch and cling to briars and sharp rocks." Being afraid to die implies being scared to live. The long life is not the good life. Learn to let go. Ev...